The Benefits of Painting for Ages 2-5
Painting is one of the simplist activities for young children that offers the most benefits. Painting with simple colors, brushes purchased at a discount store, scrap paper, and small containers for paint are easily available and not expensive. Remember; to minimize messes, choose a place that children are free to create without too many restrictions. We chose a table outside where we can use a hose to spray any paint from concrete after the project and old tee shirts to protect their clothing.
Parents; a great idea for the small budding artist in your family is bath tub painting. this involves the child (in clothes that you don't mind paint getting on), non-toxic paint, and sponges or brushes. I used to let my daughter sit in an empty bathtub in her diaper only with these items and paint away (always supervised). They love the experience, and the clean-up is easy.
Here are some huge benefits children experience from painting in a group setting:
*Children gain small muscle control
*Children become familiar with color("I made a
yellow sun")
*Children begin to experiment with color (I found that yellow and blue make green) Children also begin to create expressively ("I made a poison zucchini"). Children also learn to cooperate, share and learn the dynamics of working with a group.
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