Sunday, February 19, 2006

Emergent Literacy @ Home

The following are tips to help your child develop language skills at home (it is a "whole language" approach. The purposeful use of language is emphasized, rather than drill-practiced approach).

Give your child access to a variety of writing instruments; paper, pens, individual chalk boards, magnetic boards and letters, typewriters or computers (this can be free at the local library).

*Print rich environment: Label common objects in simple print, especially in their rooms, and dramatic play toys (kitchen structures and boxes with certain types of toys).

*The opportunity for children to tell stories verbally or act stories out through dramatic play.

*The display of children's stories, such as stories of personal events, or stories they have heard read to them which they have interpreted through artistic media. Adults write down what they have heard from the child about their art, to help develop the story.

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